Lone Rock Bible Church

It's not about me, it's not about you, it's all about Jesus.

Lone Rock Bible Church is a non-denominational family of believers located in the heart of the beautiful Bitterroot Valley in Montana. We would love to have you worship with us. Each week, we gather to worship, pray, and study and most of all lift up the name of Jesus in our community.

Love God

Love God
We love, because He first loved us. We seek to honor God in everything we do, from our weekly worship service to personal time with Him. We firmly believe that God does not call any of us to be spectators within the local church - but active and contributing participants. God gives each of us strengths and gifts to help encourage and build up the local church. All of the ministries within Lone Rock Bible Church are areas where you can use your strengths and passions to glorify God through service.

Love Others

Love Others
At Lone Rock Bible Church, we believe that the church should be active within our local community. Our first priority of service is our local community. There are many needs within the Lone Rock and Stevensville communities that allow us to show the love of Christ to the community around us. Contact the church office to see how Lone Rock Bible Church is currently serving our community and how you can get involved.

Impact the World

Impact the World
While our first priority of service is our local community - Christ clearly tells us and demonstrates that we need to have a passion and vision for others around the world. At Lone Rock Bible Church, we strive to offer opportunities of service that go beyond our community and even beyond the borders of the United States to make an impact for the cause of Christ around the world.

Coming Events

September 15th

Food Bank Sunday

Please bring non-perishable food items to donate to the local food bank. Items can be placed in the donation box in the foyer.

September 15th After Church

Nursery and 3-K Sunday School Meeting

This is the last chance for all volunteers to attend a meeting in the 3-K Classroom. Please let Heather Mapledoram know if you cannot attend.

September 17th 6:30PM

Baby Shower for Spann & Tybur Families

A baby shower for Meaghan & Matt Spann (expecting a boy) and Cole & Selena Tybur. Spanns need diapers & wipes, Tyburs need burp cloths, socks, onesies, gowns & clothes. Dessert will be served.

September 20th - 22nd

Bitterroot Valley Ladies Retreat

Join the retreat at Big Sky Bible Camp in Big Fork, MT. Find more information and a registration form on the bulletin board in the foyer.

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Rocky Mountain Bible Mission